Friday, March 14, 2008

I Thought This Was Pretty Awesome

I know my favorite candidate Ron Paul is out of this race by all reasonable means, I still think this video is awesome. Enjoy.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

For The Times They Are Changin...

Well I return to the blog world at last. Sorry for the lack of encouraging words and insight, but alas I've been busy. But here's the catch-up.

I've left my teaching job, which we pretty difficult considering how much I knew it wasn't the right job for me. There's a lot of kids there that I enjoyed quite a bit and I hope they continue to grow as artists and mature as people. I pray they don't need to make foolish mistakes to learn what they ought to do.

I took the last three days of the week off to kind of relax, collect my wits and be productive. If the last few days have taught me anything, its that I love being an artist. Man, my days were going by so fast and I was loving the work I was doing. I finished four pages of FDTN and worked on my wife's book as well as a portrait. Things were getting done.

I'm really really wanting to get my update schedule to two pages a week with the comic and its something I hope become a reality soon, but my new job is going to impede that for right now. I'm going to work in a financial field and the first four months of the job I will studying for two licenses; a series seven and sixty three. From what I've been told, this stuff is time consuming, so I'm really going to try and get my pages up to two a week, but gotta keep the new job first place for now. So I don't, you know, get fired.

Other than that, my wife and I have gotten hooked on Settlers of Catan. This board game is pretty darn addictive. Some friends from church got us into it and it really is a fun mixture of strategy, luck and back stabbing apparently.

Well, I have another post coming up soon... I wanted t o discuss in more detail my thoughts from the latest I Make Awesome Podcast.

Friday, January 25, 2008

I don't know if I should do this or not but...

I felt this was a very good video about a little known candidate for the presidency and I wanted t o share this with you. I'm usually not a big fan of talking about my politics openly, especially on this type of thing, but I wanted people to at least know what he was about. Why? Well because when you watch the primaries the man might as well not even be there. They don't ever talk about him, even though he'd beating Guiliani! After much thinking about this and wondering who would get my vote in the primary, I have decided Ron Paul will. And here's why...

Wednesday, January 23, 2008


My wife and I rented Vacancy after a friend recommended it to us and might I say, I need to watch something funny so I can ease up. This movie was intense. It reminded me of what made Hitchcock's films so terrifying and yet its so completely different that its interesting to watch. Everything is handled with the belief that this could happen and so it's played out in a very straight forward manner. Nothing is really over the top, or unbelievable. And on top of that the characters are pretty well fleshed out and are handled as important to the film as well.

At the end my wife and I were just so worn out and there' s a moment when you think things are about to get bad again... I looked up at the DVD clock and realized the movie only had like two minutes left. We sighed in relief. It was that good. Pick it up.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Rethinking Comics and The Web

I was talking with Josh on the phone the other day about how excited I was about comics recently and I was expressing with him some frustrations I feel sometimes as I work on my comics. As much as I love the graphic novel format (which is what I am using for FDTN) I almost wish I could do the more traditional setup of the single issue type comic that we're so familiar with here in the states. It's kind of aggravating to me the creator to know that you the reader have to wait months to get everything I have planned out. AND that you will read thing at the pace of one page a week. I feel like everything you could gain from that experience has kinda been lost.

I know that the argument from some creators is that you, the reader, can always go back and reread the scene, or chapter from the beginning. I'm not too fond of that idea. Maybe I'm just not with the movement, but I want you guys to read the scene in one fell swoop so you get the weight of it in proper pacing. I would love to go with a traditional format like that but as I write/draw/shade/letter etc everything for this book, my output isn't up to the level I wish it was.

Which brings me to my next thought: I'm envious of writers. I was listening to some interviews with the creator of Y the Last Man, Brian K Vaughn and he was rattling off the list of books he's working on. It kinda made me sad because I have all of these ideas in my head that I just wish I could pour out into reality, but because the comics creation takes so long to complete because I do everything, I'm lucky I get one page a week out.

A lot of this is making me think about what I can do to up my output and finish some stories so I can move on to other projects. I love From Death Til Now, but I want to finish it in a timely manner so I can devote myself to the other projects on my mind.

Do any of you have thoughts on this sort of thing? What are your thoughts on From Death Til Now and reading it at the pace that you do?

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Happy New Year, Merry Christmas And A Store!

Hey all!

Well, I have finally settled back down after a very busy and not so productive Christmas break from my teaching job. I wanted to get so much done during my break on From Death Til Now, the new graphic novel and a children's book by my wife that I am illustrating, but I ended up running around like a chicken with my head cut off, fixing things around my house and yard, visiting family and watching a lot of Lost season 3 on DVD and playing Mario Galaxy. Hey I have to be honest! Not to mention I deserve a little bit of a break after all of the craziness of teaching high school. I did get quite a bit done though. I have finished writing all of chapter 2 of FDTN. Plotted out all of the next scene and most of the final action sequence (yup we got action coming up). I also finished a couple of pages for the current scene. On the other graphic novel, I rewrote the first couple of scenes and I feel much better about how the characters are fleshing out. The children's book is coming along, but there are a lot of things to draw and plan out! For me its a bigger task than FDTN!

Now for good news! For EXCITING NEWS!!!!

From Death Til Now has a store! Finally. I caved in and started a Cafepress store after seeing just how easy their products were to design and I liked the way they build their service. I even ordered a few of the shirts to see what the quality of the products are like and I gotta say that I am pleased. I've tried to put together a variety of products at reasonable prices. There's even a shirt that's only $12.99 that is quite nice as well (I ordered one of these to check it out)! So if you like the comic and would like to support it, please do by purchasing a shirt or hat! Also, please let me know what you think of the shirts themselves.

Visit the store: Http://

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Transmission X Comics

Hey all...

I wanted to point you guys to a great site called Transmission X Comics. There's some great comics on the site and they do some really cool videos, like these videos on storytelling in webcomics. It's a cool discussion on the challenges comic artists in a digital realm.

So check out the site and enjoy!